Betty Gatewood's work is represented in the nature journaling show, currently at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Library. She will visiting the LGBG Library on March 30 from 1:00 to 4:00! From the garden's announcement of this visit:
"Midway through her college career, Betty Gatewood changed her interest from laboratory science to the "outdoor" sciences of ecology and natural history; she's been outdoors ever since, teaching, learning, observing, and painting.
"Midway through her college career, Betty Gatewood changed her interest from laboratory science to the "outdoor" sciences of ecology and natural history; she's been outdoors ever since, teaching, learning, observing, and painting.
Instead of presenting the perfect specimen, Betty paints it as it is - the dynamic life stages of the dandelion, delicate detail of the broomsedge that dominates our Valley fields, to the bug-eaten leaflets of the Virginia Creeper. her perfection the perfection of the survivor.
Betty provided the cover art for Virginia's Mountain Treasures, published by the Wilderness Society, and for the Virginia Native Plant Society's Wildflower of the Year 2009 brochure. She has co-conducted local art and journaling workshops for teachers.
Betty is the teacher-in-residence at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, teaching teachers and students about watershed conservation and place-based education. Getting students outside to observe, analyze and document the natural world through art and journaling is her passion. Frequently on her outdoor ramblings, she is accompanied by her husband Mark, an avid outdoorsman, who often suggest particular subjects to document with her art. "
Please come by to meet her and see the exhibit before it is gone!
Please come by to meet her and see the exhibit before it is gone!